Sign Requests

Please include all necessary information in your sign request, including but not limited to: Full Address, Municipality, GPS Coordinates, Danglers or Toppers Needed, Special Instructions etc.

You can also reach Rent-a-Post to place your installation order via email, phone or text anytime.

Scheduling as follows:

Request is received before 5pm, the service will be scheduled for next business day

Request is received AFTER 5pm  the request will be scheduled for the second business day


Rent-a-Post installs posts & signs Monday through Saturday & does not install on Satutory Holidays

Installation schedule is subject to change, we will notify agents of any changes

Same Day Installation

Same day installation service only available for SOLD requests and ONLY IF: we have a sign on board, have not yet been in the area, & the request is received by 8am. Otherwise your request will be installed on the next business day. CUT OFF For all installation and removal requests is 5:00 pm for next business day, all other times will be second business day after.

Have Questions?

Need Signs Printed?